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One Moment of a Single Day: Essays

In a mixed-media collaboration of artistry, my friend Lynne A. Kasey and I are thrilled with this release!


The essays explore encounters with strangers and other people through various levels of intimacy, connection, and deeper humanity. In these moments, what happens? A chance encounter that leads to a closer examination of human spirit. A story of triumph in the face of adversity. A pressing force with political ramifications. Distance between loved ones that has nothing to do with miles. But through it all, grace, hope, and acceptance: the ability to be mindful and listen to one's self and others.

Lynne's exceptional accompaniment of photography extends the concept of a single moment. What she sees through her lens will never be the same again. (Her photos grace this page, too.)

The art book also has an interactive component for workshops and reading groups.

Only available at
Click here to purchase your limited edition hardcover copy

The reviews are in!

"Wow, what a beautiful piece of work. I love the creative and unique format, photos, stories, and insightful lessons you captured. It's triggered inside of me the desire to listen a little closer, love a little more, and look for the miracles in everyday conversations."


"Nothing what I expected: it's better! Can't wait to read more!" *  "Lovely, thought-provoking, and the pictures are beautiful."


  "Intriguing stories, wonderful photos!"  *   "I was so impressed, I bought more copies for my family."


​"It is so beautiful, touching and wise. Thank you so much for writing it and having the courage to share your stories

in such an eloquent way."


Events and Media:​


   The Des Moines Book Festival  *  Sturgis Journal Shoreline  *  KFMG "Culture Buzz" with John Busbee  *  Iowa Public Radio "Talk of Iowa" with Charity Nebbe: "Reflection and Connection: A New Essay Collection Shares Stories and Advice"  




Watch this space for further event details.


Please reach out using the "Connect" page if you'd like to know more about the book, Lynne, me, and when we can visit you.



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