Most of the time, I believe it's critical for personal and professional development to expand my circle of influence as wide as possible. There's a real joy of discovery during a brainstorm/mind-mapping session when someone presents an idea and I think, "My gosh - I never would have thought of that!" It's so enriching to
continue to expand perspectives this way, and I always learn so much.
But, I have to say, I love my creative tribes. Little has to be explained. We understand challenges and successes, navigate around complexities with our shared knowledge and experiences, and extend a knowing...which often makes the entire process so much easier.
I've had the good fortune to participate in many groups like this: writing, yoga, women's empowerment, general creativity, and so on. There are some days when I feel a bit intimidated or overwhelmed in my schedule and think, "I'll just skip the coffee group today. I'll make it up next time." Then I'll muster the energy to attend, and I'm always grateful for the opportunity and walk away rejuvenated.
Many industries benefit from networking and support, and I'm sure other professionals present many of the same highs and lows as creatives. The message is the same: we're not alone, we often face similar aspects of growth and set back. Let's band together to make better progress. I'm always available for a conversation or a sympathetic ear.
Image courtesy of Columbia University